P: +64 9 354 4495

Talinger Registration Form

We look forward to meeting you soon. In the meantime please fill in all appropriate sections of the following form so we can progress your profile.


I confirm that I have asked you to find me permanent or contract employment. I understand that this service is entirely free to me and that any employer to whom you introduce me to has entered into a legally binding contract to pay your charges. I further recognise that by being party to any attempt to avoid these legally permissible charges could leave me open to criminal proceedings for fraud. I undertake to inform you immediately if I am engaged through your introduction including the offer of permanent employment following a contract assignment. I also understand that if I am given a contract engagement through you, there is a requirement for a fee to be payable to you by the client, should I work as a contractor in that same company through some other agency or person within six months of my working there at your introduction. I undertake to notify you should any of the above circumstances arise, and promise to advise you should there be any attempt to induce me to withhold such information. I can confirm that Talinger has my authorisation to pass on my career details to potential clients Talinger deems suitable.

I authorise Talinger to approach my previous employers and/or my referees for the purpose of obtaining a reference about me. I further authorise any person or company to provide Talinger with such information as may be required in response to Talinger’s employment enquiries.

I confirm that the information given by me to Talinger (such as information about my experience, dates of employment, previous roles and qualifications obtained) are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I agree to indemnify Talinger against any loss, damage, or expense suffered as a result of failing to fully disclose any criminal convictions or pending charges.

I understand that Talinger cites and checks tertiary qualifications and working visas (including NZ Passport holders). I understand that I am not required by law to provide any personal information to Talinger but that my failure to do so might prejudice my chances of obtaining a role.

Thank You